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Javier Mauricio Garcia

Master in Aquaculture, DTAIC, NPUST
Current position: International College, I-Shou University

1. 目前工作主要的職務內容有哪些?
1. What are the major duties for your current position?
I just began a feed additive company (Master Technology), which dedicates to import products from Taiwan. Therefore, my major duties in this current position are:
1.    Find new customers to try our feed additives.
2.    Set up experiments in the clients’ farms so they can see how good the feed additives we distribute are.

2. 請問您是如何進入這個工作?
2. How did you get this job?
I got this job thanks to Dr. Lee who has encouraged and helped me a lot to start this kind of business. He has a great experience in this field and during his visit to Panama last December we visited some farms and he realized that there was an opportunity to distribute here in Panama cutting edge products from Asia.

3. 目前這個職務所必須具備的能力有哪些?
3. What are the required capabilities for your current position?
This position requires being an expert on: animal production, management, marketing, accounting (all in one).

4. 若選擇要進入這個職業的員工,您覺得這個員工要具備哪些重要的能力(or人格特質)?為什麼?
4. If you are hiring, what are the critical capabilities (or personalities) for your new employee? Why?
If I am hiring I would look for someone who knows about the area he/she applying for, and a person that shows to be outgoing and ready to take new challenges, willing to learn new things and I would like to hire someone that works hard and is ready to set records in the field.

5. 以上您所說的那些能力or特質,是否就是您選人準則?哪些是重要的選人標準?
5. Regarding to above mentioned capabilities or personalities, are they your selecting criteria? Or what are the most important selecting criteria among them?
They are my selecting criteria, but must important is to find someone that thinks out of the box, and doesn’t always stick to the old books.

6. 這個工作是否具有挑戰性?覺得有哪些方面是具有挑戰性的?(可以分享一、兩個例子嗎?)
6. Is your current job challenging? If yes, in which aspects?  (please share couple examples with us)
Yes it is, because I am new to introduce products that farmers never heard of them, and I need to challenge them to try my products expecting always good results. In this field I need to compete with powerful companies that are quite well known. Also I am trying to sell   waste water treatment systems of which I am not an expert but I need to show that I manage this area so prospect clients get interested.

7. 這個工作的升遷、發展與前景展望,能不能請您大致說明一下情形?
7. Could you please briefly describe the promotion, development, and future prospect of your current job?
I am just starting to get more experience in the feed additive world, learning new things each day, so I think as long as I can survive this period the current job will progress successfully.

8. 若這個工作有升遷機會,您覺得需要增加哪方面的能力才有升遷的可能?
8. If this job has the potential for promotion, what are the capabilities that you need to have to get promoted?
The promotion for this job would be to increase the sells, penetrate new markets I would have to keep increasing my social skill, sells and marketing experiences, and always bring new products that can increase meat/milk yield, and reduce the production cost.

9. 您覺得有哪些特質or條件是讓您成功的關鍵因素?
9. What are the unique characteristics or capabilities of you make you successful in your career life?
I think the capabilities that have made me successful in my career life have been the hard work, perseverance, and always trying to obtain the best results.

10. 請您回想一下,在學校您都學些什麼(包括:課內、課外—ex:社團活動、經歷)?哪些是對踏入職場與畢業後的發展很有幫助?
10. When you recall, what did you learn in schools? (including on and off campus experiences). Among them, what are very helpful to your career life after graduation?
Every day I recall what I learnt in school because I use technical information learnt at university to explain about products and the way the affect positively the performance of the animals. 
I think in my case, all technical information related to livestock production are very useful, such animal nutrition, animal production, waste water management, etc.

11. 您認為哪些能力是在大學期間可以培養出來的能力?
11. In your opinion, what are the capabilities that can be acquired in the university?
You can acquire in the university the responsibility, technical information, solving problem oriented mind.

12. 給想要進入此產業(職業)的學弟妹一些建議,哪些可在學校先做準備?
12. What do you suggest the juniors to learn or prepare in school for entering your industry?
All depends what are the future work area they want to be, in case if they are looking to work as extensionists for the government they need to learn a lot of technical skills, about animal production, however on the other hand if are looking to be a teacher or researcher at university I suggest to learn more advance courses on molecular biology or biotechnology for instance.
Now if you want to work for your own farm or business I recommend learning all techniques to be in charge of farm from aspects such as, animal health, reproduction, housing, nutrition, management, etc.

13. 準備求職時,應該注意哪些事?
13. When applying for a job, what are noteworthy?
Important to see if there is chance for promoting to a higher position, or also even there isn’t is always important to work to get some experience in the field.
It’s always set goals and looking for new jobs that are more challenging and higher paid.

14. 最後,是否有其他需要補充?或給予學弟妹一些建議與忠告?
14. Finally, is there anything you want to add on? Any suggestions or advices for the juniors?
I would recommend them to enjoy their stay in Taiwan as students, but always keep in mind to learn and make as much contact as they can, because once you are back home you will wish you didn’t club too much, or stay at the room chatting. Take the advantage of every second during your stay in NPUST that will pay off when you become a professional in your country. My best wishes to you all and lots of blessings.